Stuff in the ‘Estate tax repeal’ Category

Estate tax repeal has a time-out, but House ready to rumble in Sept., p2

When Congress reconvenes in September, watch for the House of Representatives votes to repeal the federal estate tax. The bill was ready for a vote — 221 sponsors had signed on — before the August break, but backers felt it best to hold off. A vote closer to the November election will help Republican candidates […]READ POST »

Estate tax repeal has a time-out, but House ready to rumble in Sept.

Just before the U.S. House of Representatives adjourned for its summer vacation, the primary sponsors of a bill to repeal the estate tax crossed an important threshold. With 221 sponsors signing on, the bill is sure to pass a full House vote in September. In fact, the bill could lose three sponsors and still pass. […]READ POST »