Miscellaneous News & Articles

KSDK Features the Mid-East Area Agency on Aging’s Meals on Wheels Program

Christine’s firm has long advocated for the organization, The Mid-East Area Agency on Aging, and the wonderful work that they do for our local, aging communities. KSDK just featured a story yesterday on the Meals on Wheels program that MEAAA provides and how it impacts the volunteers just as much as the people who are […]READ POST »

Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our country. We thank you and we honor you. We now offer discounts to veterans, law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency first responders. Contact our office today to learn more and thank you for your service.READ POST »

Christine’s Boss’s Day Video

For Boss’s Day this year, Christine’s staff put something special together for her to the tune of her favorite song by Donna the Buffalo. Check out our Boss’s Day feature presentation.READ POST »

Free Flu Shots in St. Louis – 2016

Check out a couple of places in St. Louis that are providing free flu shots this month. “Of those affected by the flu, older adults are more at risk for complications due to weaker immune defenses. Though a flu shot won’t keep everyone healthy, it can reduce the severity of the illness and lessen complications.” […]READ POST »

Meet Stanley.

As most of you know, our firm is a very dog friendly one. Today, we have a little visitor from the Helping Strays organization. Meet Stanley, a seven week-old puppy. For many of our clients, having the pups around the office makes their stressful times a little brighter. They love interacting with them and, sometimes, […]READ POST »

New York Times Article: U.S. Just Made It a Lot Less Difficult to Sue Nursing Homes

The Health and Human Services Department has issued a rule that bans any nursing home that receives federal funding from requiring residents to resolve legal disputes in arbitration, instead of court. The nursing home industry has expressed concerns about significant cost increases and subsequent potential nursing home closures. While this new rule can still be […]READ POST »

Wills are like a box of chocolates: You never know what’s inside p2

We are picking up the thread from our March 1 post about some of the details that can make a will invalid. It is true as well that a will can be valid and still be confusing — and confusion can waste time and money and, unfortunately, can be the cause of discord. An example […]READ POST »

Writing a ‘Last Letter’ When You’re Healthy

The Stanford Friends and Family Letter Project encourages people to express their thoughts and feelings to their loved ones. The project provides free templates for people at various stages of life and health. “Once the letter is written, you can choose to share it with your loved ones right away. You can also store it […]READ POST »

Failure to Improve Is Still Being Used, Wrongly, to Deny Medicare Coverage

Patients whose conditions are deemed unlikely to improve are wrongfully being denied Medicare coverage for rehabilitation and therapy. Medicare beneficiaries often hear such rationales for denying coverage of skilled nursing, home health care or outpatient therapy: They’re not improving. They’ve “reached a plateau.” They’re “stable and chronic,” or have achieved “maximum functional capacity.” A federal […]READ POST »

Happy Birthday to Our Youngest Firm Pup!

Today is the birthday of a very special pup – Zydeco! Some of you may remember when Zydeco was just a little puppy, but, today, he turns one (seven)! Zydeco, Lily and Riley are Christine’s beloved office pups who are adored by staff and clients alike. Happy birthday to the youngest member of the firm! […]READ POST »